"Unlike broadcast, which has had to navigate just one major technological change in its 90+ year history (digital switchover)" is incorrect - Broadcast (in the UK, although similar elsewhere) navigated from LongWave AM to MediumWave AM to FM to FM stereo to DAB to DAB+, or for television from VHF 405-line monochrome TV to 625-line colour TV to NICAM stereo TV to DTT to DTT-HD. The difference is that each generation lasted decades, and had a significant overlap with the previous generation (or in many cases, generationS). As the rate of progress speeds up, natural wastage of consumer equipment is no longer able to hide the true cost of this. People expect equipment to last 10-20 years - manufacturers want equipment to last 2-5 years.
"Unlike broadcast, which has had to navigate just one major technological change in its 90+ year history (digital switchover)" is incorrect - Broadcast (in the UK, although similar elsewhere) navigated from LongWave AM to MediumWave AM to FM to FM stereo to DAB to DAB+, or for television from VHF 405-line monochrome TV to 625-line colour TV to NICAM stereo TV to DTT to DTT-HD. The difference is that each generation lasted decades, and had a significant overlap with the previous generation (or in many cases, generationS). As the rate of progress speeds up, natural wastage of consumer equipment is no longer able to hide the true cost of this. People expect equipment to last 10-20 years - manufacturers want equipment to last 2-5 years.